Statement from John Kerry in Response to President Bush's New Economic Report

Date: Feb. 10, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

February 10, 2004

For Immediate Release

Washington, DC -

The following statement was issued today by Senator John Kerry in response to President Bush's new economic report:

"Today is an historic day. George Bush finally told the truth about the Administration's economic policy. In their economic report, the Bush Administration said that sending American jobs overseas is good for America and good for the economy. They've delivered a double blow to America's workers -- 3 million jobs destroyed on their watch, and now they want to export more of our jobs overseas. What in the world are they thinking?

My economic policy is not to export American jobs, but to reward companies for creating and keeping good jobs in America. Unlike the Bush Administration, I want to repeal every tax break and loophole that rewards any Benedict Arnold CEO or corporation for shipping American jobs overseas.

There is a fundamental choice before the American people. Do they want a President who continues to be out of touch with what is happening to workers across America? Or do they want a President who understands how to get America back on track and restore our economy so that every American family can build a better future?"
