Recognizing September 11 as a Day of Remembrance

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 11, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

RECOGNIZING SEPTEMBER 11 AS A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE -- (Extensions of Remarks - September 11, 2007)

* Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, today I join every American in remembering September 11 and the victims who so tragically lost their lives in an unspeakable act of violence. We all grieve with the families they left behind and are deeply grateful for the rescue workers and ordinary citizens that displayed extraordinary humanity and bravery.

* We owe it to them to make our Nation and the world safer.

* The new Democratic majority in Congress is bringing about effective change in the way our Nation confronts the threat of terror. The recent passage into law of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations was an important, though overdue, step to making our homeland more secure.

* But those who lost their lives or put themselves in harm's way on 9/11 deserve more. The administration's ill-advised war in Iraq undermines a significant opportunity to bring Osama bin Laden and the real perpetrators to justice. It is my hope that we as a Congress will work together to reverse this course and refocus our efforts. We still have much work to do to recover from this tragedy, to protect our liberty, and to regain our credibility and stature in the eyes of the world.
