Johnson Comments on General Petraeus's Report to Congress on the Status of War in Iraq


Date: Sept. 10, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Johnson Comments on General Petraeus's Report to Congress on the Status of War in Iraq

As General Petraeus briefs Congress this afternoon, U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement:

I appreciate the work being done by General Petraeus and our brave men and women in Iraq. That being said, his recommendations would merely bring our troop presence in Iraq back to pre-surge levels by July of 2008. The current strategy is not working and I certainly don't believe in more of the same.

This war has already lasted longer than World War II. I believe now is time to transition our mission to one that focuses on training Iraqi security forces, conducting counter-terrorism operations, turning power over to the Iraqis, and decreasing the American footprint in Iraq.
