John Cox on The Issues

Issue Position

John Cox speaks out on the issues

The War in Iraq

I believe we need to quickly build up Iraq's economy by returning oil production to full capacity so they can become self-sufficient, then we will be able to pull out our troops victorious. A prosperous people do not turn to terrorism. We must win the war in Iraq and elsewhere so we are fighting terror over there, not over here.

Tax Policy

I want to eliminate the IRS. Our tax system is counterproductive, too complicated and time consuming. Taxing income is inherently wrong, and stunts economic growth. That is why I support the Fair Tax, which has been introduced in the Congress as HR25 and S25. As president, I will seek to eliminate the "death tax," and will veto all tax increase proposals.

The Illegal Immigration Crisis

While legal immigration is good for America, illegal immigration hurts our economy and strains our public services. Amnesty is not the answer, nor are "guest workers." We need Citizens who want to become part of our nation, learn English and contribute to the economy. I will crack down on businesses that hire - and exploit - illegal labor. We must protect our borders and enforce our laws.

Protecting our Second Amendment Rights

I am a Lifetime member of the NRA and fully support gun ownership and our Second Amendment right to bear arms. "Gun control" doesn't work, and uses precious resources rather than going after criminals. Concealed Carry laws have helped prevent crime in the states that have adopted them.

National Security

Iran, North Korea and al-Qaeda are growing threats; we must adopt Ronald Reagan's "Peace Through Strength" philosophy and communicate a policy of democracy and economic opportunity throughout the world. As president, I would strengthen our intelligence services, and I support a nuclear shield that could make nuclear weapons obsolete. I would balance protecting our civil liberties with the need to protect our national interests.

Standing for Life

As president, I will stand for the rights of the unborn. I am proudly pro-life without exception, from conception to natural death. If there is a question about protecting life versus protecting someone's personal choices, we should ALWAYS resolve it in life's favor. We should embrace the broadest possible definition of life, and err on the side of protecting it. Government has a role in defining life as a fundamental right.

Government Spending

As president, I will veto every Federal budget that is not balanced. Period. Government spending is out of control. Special interests make it very difficult for career politicians who depend on them for re-election to cut spending. I will eliminate the Commerce and Education Departments, I will seek Line-Item Veto and Balanced Budget Amendments from Congress, and urge zero-based budgeting and sun setting to force a constant re-evaluation of government programs

Traditional Values

Our values have a huge impact on our quality of life and are a bedrock of our society. Our values should be reflected by elected legislators, not by unelected and impossible-to-remove judges. Government should be "family friendly" in all that it does.

Religious Freedom

I believe that religious freedom is a fundamental human right. America should be steadfast in supporting the rights of individuals to express their religious beliefs in every corner of the world. I am a baptized, born-again evangelical Catholic who believes we need to embrace people of all religious beliefs. The religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution does not mean freedom from religion, or that religion must be banished from public discussion.

Standing for the Traditional Family and for Marriage

The traditional American family has suffered several defeats in the past decade at the hands of state courts, who force legislatures to impose so-called "gay marriage" or "civil unions" onto the people. As president, I will stand for the traditional American family and will support swift passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment to protect against this trend.

Social Security and Government Transfer Spending

Social Security has to be preserved, but is unsustainable in its current form. Private retirement accounts are the best hope we have to reform the system and make it financially available to future generations. Myths, lies, and demagoguery are the hallmarks of the political debate and must be replaced by sound reasoning and facts. Medicare and Medicaid are even bigger financial time bombs. I support managed care, vouchers and health savings accounts.

Regulation and Tort Reform

Regulation is necessary but should be governed by the free market. Regulators need to understand that they serve the private economy, not the other way around. All agencies should be graded on quality and efficiency. Regulations must make sense and not pick winners and losers in the economy. Rational legal reforms like loser pays are essential to keep our economy competitive.

Reforming Politics

We need more statesmen to enter politics, not more career politicians. The 1974 limits on spending have only cemented protected incumbents, who win with large networks of contributors. Immediate disclosure - sunlight - is the best disinfectant for a diseased campaign finance system. We must also have term limits for Congress, and repeal McCain-Feingold, which stifles free speech and has empowered liberal groups but has had no positive effects.

Health Care

Competition in health care will bring down costs and improve efficiency. We should inject patient and doctor choice into the system to create more accountability and cost control. As president, I will use America's influence to force an end to foreign governments' subsidizing drug costs at Americans' expense. Ending the tax deduction for employee health insurance would provide more opportunity for patient choice and consumer power.

Energy and The Environment

Diversity is the key to our energy future. We are too dependent on expensive fossil fuels. I support alternative fuels and domestic drilling. Free market incentives and sensible regulation can address the problem of pollution. I oppose the Kyoto Treaty, which would devastate the U.S. economy. Fiscal responsibility and respect for property rights is key to environmental protection. Polluters should bear economic penalties.


The government school monopoly is the problem. Competition is the answer, not more money, which has doubled after inflation in the past 20 years without much improvement in test scores. Turn parents into consumers with vouchers, which are Constitutional and do not lose money for public schools because the child is no longer there to create expenses. Education is a local and state issue. No Child Left Behind should be repealed.


A strong domestic agricultural industry is essential to our survival as a nation. A level playing field and forcing open new foreign markets for farmers that are currently closed are better than subsidies, which should be phased out. Big corporate farms have edged out the family farmers, and get most of the subsidies, but the family farm should remain the backbone of our economy.

Free but Fair Trade

I support free but fair trade policies. As the world's largest economy, we must exercise our tremendous economic power to force our trading partners to open their markets to our goods and services. American business needs a level playing field with vast improvements necessary in our tax and regulatory systems. When Americans have that fair playing field, we can and will compete with anyone in the world.
