Key Vote Alert: Children's Healthcare Insurance

Press Release

Date: Aug. 1, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Key Vote Alert: Children's Healthcare Insurance

The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is up for its scheduled five-year renewal by Congress this year. The program provides government-run healthcare for children from low-income families. I support insuring low-income children and providing the most needy access to healthcare. As a healthcare provider in a hospital setting, I've seen firsthand the benefits of this program. However, the CHAMP Act, which extends the SCHIP program, is being rushed to the House floor and I am seeking your input.

The price tag of this proposal is $160 billion over 10 years, according to the independent Congressional Budget Office. In order to pay for the cost, the legislation cuts funding for Medicare Advantage plans by $157 billion. These plans provide 67,200 local Pittsburgh seniors with healthcare benefits such as disease management programs and preventive care that monitor the overall well-being of seniors. Disease management programs help decrease the risk of heart-disease and lowers long-term healthcare costs. With these cuts, many seniors on a fixed-income in Southwestern Pennsylvania could see their out-of-pocket healthcare expenses increase by $660 per year, nearly doubling what they currently pay.

The bill also cuts federal funds to skilled nursing home facilities, and home healthcare, taxes private health insurance plans, and increases the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes from $0.39 to $0.84.

It also extends benefits to people up to the age of 21, not just children, and allows non-citizens to immediately qualify for the program. In addition, a loophole is created which could allow a family of four making more than $100,000 to qualify for the program.

Please share with me your opinion on this legislation by answering the poll question on the right.
