Our Future Energy Supplies

Floor Speech

Date: July 11, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

OUR FUTURE ENERGY SUPPLIES -- (House of Representatives - July 11, 2007)

(Mr. CONAWAY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, most credible estimates of future energy supplies for this country indicate that, by 2025, we will still be importing millions of barrels of crude oil and refined products every single day. That scenario is not positive for America. We should begin today looking at policies that decrease our dependence on foreign crude oil, policies that increase domestic production of crude oil, policies that increase the private investment in domestic production of all energy sources, including crude oil and natural gas, policies which will help stabilize prices to consumers both for gasoline and electricity.

Any policy that we look at that does the opposite, that increases our dependence on foreign crude oil, reduces domestic production, reduces private investment in sources of energy, and arbitrarily increases prices to consumers must be challenged and opposed. These are important. They do not wear party jerseys. They are simply the right answer for America. It is our job to get those policies in place.
