Kerry: "Senate Higher Education Aid Bill Will Make College More Affordable"

Press Release

Date: July 20, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Kerry: "Senate Higher Education Aid Bill Will Make College More Affordable"

Senator John Kerry today praised the Senate for passing a measure that would increase aid to students across Massachusetts and the rest of the country. The cost of college has tripled over the past 20 years and federal financial aid has not kept up. The bill aims to increase access to higher education and ensure that federal money continues to going directly to students.

"Because of the skyrocketing costs of higher education, some schools are having to take matters into their own hands. Just yesterday, Amherst College announced that to help eliminate the overwhelming accumulation of students' debt, it would replace all student loans in financial aid packages with scholarships. Programs like this are fantastic, but schools shouldn't have to come up with their own fixes to the problem of high costs. The Senate higher education bill is a significant first step in helping to alleviate the financial burden of higher education and a wonderful way to level the playing field for millions of Americans by putting college within their reach."
