Governor Crist Signs Military And Veterans Legislation

Press Release

Date: July 10, 2007
Location: Tallahassee, FL


Governor Charlie Crist today ceremonially signed four bills to increase employment opportunities and provide additional property tax relief for Florida's veterans. The Governor also signed legislation to offer emergency financial assistance to certain military families and increased civil penalties for misusing the name or image of a service member.

"The brave men and women of our Armed Forces deserve our deepest gratitude and utmost support," said Governor Crist. "They protect the freedoms we enjoy every day, and their sacrifice reminds us that freedom is not free."

Governor Crist was joined today by Rear Admiral LeRoy Collins Jr., executive director of the Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs, General Douglas Burnett of the Florida Department of Military Affairs and bill sponsors Senator Jeff Atwater (R-Palm Beach) and Representatives Stan Jordan (R-Jacksonville), Paige Kreegel (R-Punta Gorda) and Maria Sachs (D-Delray Beach).

Summaries of the new legislation are as follows:

Senate Bill 1026, Ad Valorem Tax/Disabled Veterans - Provides additional property tax relief to veterans with combat-related disabilities. Veterans are eligible for property tax exemptions equal to the percentage of their disabilities if they are over the age of 65 and were Florida residents at the time they joined the military. This exemption is applied to the property value once all other exemptions are assessed.

House Bill 699, Preference in Public Employment for Veterans - Makes the hiring preference given to veterans applying for positions within state government portable. Prior to this law veterans could only use the preference once.

"American veterans choose to live a life of service and to stand for freedom," said Governor Crist. "These patriots bear true allegiance to our flag and all it represents, and we will make certain that when they return from active duty, they can put their talents to use in the civilian workforce and fully partake in the American dream of homeownership."
Senate Bill 1448, Relating to Service Members Dependent Assistance - Provides need- based emergency financial assistance to members of the military and their families for up to 120 days after service members leave active duty. The financial assistance is distributed through the Family Readiness Program within the Department of Military Affairs and can be used for housing and other living expenses, vehicles, equipment or renovations necessary to meet disability needs and for health care.

"We are so grateful to those military families who have stood by and supported our service men and women in times of war and times of peace," said Governor Crist. "They serve on behalf of all Floridians, and this legislation is one way we can thank them for their service and sacrifice."

Senate Bill 116, Relating to the Robert A. Wise Military Protection Act - Increases the penalties that can be imposed on people who profit by using the names and images of service members without their consent.

"This legislation will protect the integrity of those who have stepped forward to take the oath of alliance as members of America's Armed Forces," said Governor Crist. "We will not allow men and women who have given their lives for the sake of our freedom - or who are willing to do so - to be degraded so that others may profit. We will honor their sacrifice and protect their good names."

Ms. Tammy Wise-Thrash joined Governor Crist for the bill signing. Her son, Army Specialist Robert A. Wise was killed in Iraq in 2003 and later became the first Florida National Guard solider killed in action to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. After his death, his image was displayed on anti-war T-shirts without the consent of his family.

"We are eternally thankful for the commitment of those in uniform who protect and defend our freedom at home and abroad," said Governor Crist. "While we can never truly re-pay them for their sacrifice, through these important pieces of legislation along with our prayers for peace and for their safety, we can offer our troops a tangible example of our appreciation for their good work."
