Todd Akin Calls Democrat Withdrawal Plan Dangerously Vague and Haphazard


Date: July 12, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Todd Akin Calls Democrat Withdrawal Plan Dangerously Vague and Haphazard

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), the Ranking Member of the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, says he will vote "no" on a Democrat sponsored bill to withdraw American military troops from Iraq.

Akin issued the following statement:

"The Democrats are calling for a troop reduction, but their plan is haphazardly vague in its implementation and offers no plausible strategy for winning in Iraq.

"Since the recent troop surge has been implemented, violence has gone down in Iraq, and some success has been noted. Furthermore, on September 15, the Crocker-Petraeus report will provide a broader assessment of the progress made in Iraq, and Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus will speak to Congress concerning their findings.

"The surge in troop levels has only been in place for one month, and we need to give General Petraeus a chance to suppress the insurgency. The Democrats offer no plan, but just wishful thinking with no specifics.

"Let's give Ambassador Crocker and General Petraeus a chance to evaluate the situation after the surge has run its course. Let's give our troops the chance to finish the job. Anything less would be a dishonor to those who have sacrificed so much in serving our nation in Iraq."
