Kerry: Halliburton Profits While American Troops Buy Their Own Body Armor

Date: Dec. 12, 2003

Kerry: Halliburton Profits While American Troops Buy Their Own Body Armor

December 12, 2003

For Immediate Release

"Halliburton is guilty of shameful war-profiteering, and they need to be held accountable. It's dead wrong that Halliburton is bilking American taxpayers by overcharging the government $61 million for fuel while our troops on the frontlines are underfunded, overextended, and some have literally been left to buy their own body armor. Think about what $61 million could buy for our troops in need rather than lining the pockets of Halliburton executives. The Bush Administration should be ashamed that they bent over backwards for their biggest contributors while leaving American troops in danger. We need to get our priorities back in order. As president, I will fight the special interests, not coddle them, and I will make sure that no American soldier ever goes without the equipment they need to do their job." - John Kerry.
