Energy Policy

Floor Speech

Date: June 5, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

ENERGY POLICY -- (House of Representatives - June 05, 2007)

(Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak on a subject that is first on the minds and the wallets of the American public, and that is the cost of rising energy prices.

We are in the middle of the summer, and prices at the pump are above $3 a gallon in much of America. The liberal leadership was going to fix the high gas prices, and they have responded by offering no solutions. They offered so-called ``price gouging'' legislation, but it did nothing to address the root problem of high gas prices.

The American public wants innovation, not procrastination. They want energy exploration, not bureaucratic red tape. They want this Congress to do their jobs and put forth a plan that will power this country, self sufficiently, into this century and beyond. The liberal leadership, meanwhile, is missing in action on the issue.

America needs to change the way we look at how we produce energy, and in the next couple of weeks the Republican Conference will take the lead in unfurling a long-term energy plan for the future. It will not only address our immediate power concerns but those for decades to come.
