Feeney Opposes Immigration "Amnesty" Compromise

Press Release

Date: May 17, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Feeney Opposes Immigration "Amnesty" Compromise

U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Oviedo) today expressed his disappointment with the deal the White House and Senate reached on immigration legislation.

Violates Feeney's Sixth Principle: National Defense

"An irresponsible compromise was reached today among Senators that effectively offers amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. This burdensome legislation has unintended consequences that we may never recover from. This compromise is an insult to hardworking and law-abiding American citizens. It rewards illegal behavior and marks a surrender of America's border security.

"The one fact that is undeniable during this immigration debate is the fact that there are at least 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States today. Each of these 12 million individuals disregarded the legal immigration process to come here, and each is a testament to the fact that our borders are not as safe and secure as they should be. Today's compromise will increase this frightening 12 million figure to potentially 50, 100, or 200 million in years to come that will stress America's health care system, education system, and other infrastructure.

"A clear message must be sent to those involved in illegal immigration: America's laws must be respected as the mandate of the will of the people that they are, not simply guidelines to be followed or ignored according to individual whims. Today's irresponsible immigration compromise does not send that message and I can not support it.

"I stand by my promise to my constituents that I will not give in to a weak compromise that offers amnesty to illegal immigrants and incentives to tens of millions more to come illegally," said Feeney.

For more information on Feeney's conservative principles and his check card, please visit: http://www.house.gov/feeney/checkcard.shtml
