Statement on Cerberus Purchase of Chrysler


Date: May 14, 2007

Statement on Cerberus Purchase of Chrysler

Today's announcement of the sale of Chrysler to Cerberus ushers in a new sense of hope for the ailing automaker. I look forward to working with representatives from Cerberus to ensure that the Chrysler brand continues to remain a symbol of American automotive excellence. Although it is uncertain as to what will ultimately happen as the company attempts to regain in global competitive edge, it is important to note that the UAW has supported this deal to ensure the best future for all of its member employees. After touring the Perrysburg facility in 2005 with then Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing and Services, Al Frink, I am convinced that the dedication and workmanship of the Perrysburg employees are second to none, and will work to ensure that the company's new leadership is made aware of the facilities importance to the 5th District. Chrysler has been a major force in the Fifth District and I look forward to ensuring their legacy continues.
