The Ensuring Access To Contraceptives Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 17, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

THE ENSURING ACCESS TO CONTRACEPTIVES ACT -- (House of Representatives - May 17, 2007)

Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of international family planning.

In the developing world today, contraceptive supplies are often unavailable, placing the health and well-being of millions of people at risk.

Currently, the global gag rule limits access to contraceptives by prohibiting the U.S. to giving family planning aid to certain foreign nongovernmental organizations. That's why I have introduced the bipartisan Ensuring Access to Contraceptives Act of 2007 with my colleague, Representative CHRIS SHAYS.

Our bill carves out a specific exception to allow the U.S. to provide contraceptives to developing countries. In addition, this bill will double the amount of funding USAID is authorized to spend on these programs.

I urge my colleagues to join us as cosponsors. This bill will help prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce incidents of maternal and child mortality, improve the health of women, and prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
