Submitted Resolutions

Floor Speech

Date: April 26, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS -- (Senate - April 26, 2007)


Ms. STABENOW submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

S. Res. 173

Whereas the citizens of the United States highly value recreation time and their ability to access 1 of the greatest natural resources of the United States, its waterways;

Whereas, in 1928, the word ``marina'' was used for the first time by the National Association of Engine and Boat Manufacturers to define a recreational boating facility;

Whereas the United States is home to over 12,000 recreational boating facilities that contribute substantially to their local communities by providing safe, reliable gateways to boating for members of their communities and welcomed guests;

Whereas marinas of the United States also serve as stewards of the environment, actively seeking to protect their surrounding waterways not only for the enjoyment of the current generation, but for generations to come; and

Whereas marinas of the United States also provide their communities and visitors a place where friends and families, united by a passion for the water, can come together for recreation, rest, and relaxation: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) commemorates the marinas of the United States for providing environmentally friendly gateways to boating for the citizens of, and the visitors to the United States; and

(2) designates August 11, 2007, as the sixth annual ``National Marina Day'' in order--

(A) to honor the marinas of the United States for their many contributions to their local communities; and

(B) to make citizens, policy makers, elected officials, and employees more aware of the overall contributions marinas make to their well-being.
