Statement on Media Coverage of Tragic Shooting Deaths at VA Tech

Press Release

Date: April 20, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Statement on Media Coverage of Tragic Shooting Deaths at VA Tech

US Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-Queens & the Bronx) today issued the following statement on media coverage on the tragic shooting deaths at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University this week.

As the shockwaves of the deadly shootings at Virginia Tech continue in the aftermath of this unspeakable tragedy that has gripped our nation, we must remember the victims as we offer their families our thoughts and prayers.

And as media coverage shifts from the shock of this horrific incident to the identity of the killer as a Korean American, it is also important that we remember that this was an act of a disturbed individual, not a larger community. Let us be absolutely clear, this horrendous act of violence perpetrated by a single person does not in any way reflect the larger Korean American community or its values.

Representing a district in New York City where Korean Americans have flourished in all professions and are recognized through their achievements as belonging to one of the greatest immigrant success stories of the United States, I am not alone in having great respect and admiration for this amazing community.

The sad event at Virginia Tech that claimed the lives of 32 people of all races, ethnicities and backgrounds, who were from all parts of the nation and the world, is a tragedy for everyone. And in this difficult hour of reflection we should focus on our inherent bond as Americans joined together in our mourning as one people.
