Kerry Affirms Support of DC Voting Rights

Press Release

Date: April 16, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Kerry Affirms Support of DC Voting Rights

Today, on Emancipation Day in Washington, DC, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) made the following statement supporting voting rights for residents in the District of Columbia. Senator Kerry has co-sponsored legislation supporting DC voting rights, and currently supports the House bill.

"Those who live in Washington, DC should have the same rights as all other American citizens, period," Senator Kerry said. "They deserve a voice in legislation that impacts their lives, and they deserve the right to elect their representatives. Every American's vote must be counted equally -- regardless of race, wealth, religion, or gender, and the same goes for place of residence. It's unfair and undemocratic to deny DC residents this basic right. I will continue to fight for full voting rights for DC residents and want to commend Mayor Fenty and Congresswoman Holmes Norton for their leadership."
