Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein on the Supreme Court's Decision that Limits a Woman's Right to Choose


Date: April 18, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

"I am truly shocked by this decision. This is a major strike against a woman's right to choose. And the effective elimination of the health exception in my view will put women's lives in jeopardy.

This decision clearly demonstrates the real impact on privacy rights that has occurred through President Bush's efforts to nominate judges whose views are out of the mainstream of American legal thought.

With the substitution of Justice Alito for Justice O'Connor, the Court has now abandoned decades of precedent and fundamentally shifted the Court's balance.

Despite their assurances that they would support stare decisis and respect precedent, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito have helped overturn a decision that was only seven years old, with no change except who is sitting on the Court.

As Justice Ginsburg said, "Today's decision is alarming' and through its ruling "the Court deprives women of the right to make an autonomous choice, even at the expense of their safety.'

All those who care about protecting an individual's right to privacy should take notice and make their voices heard."
