Ros-Lehtinen Will Introduce Legislation Next Week That Prevents The Castro Regime From Oil Drilling A Mere 45 Miles From Key West & Thus Damaging The

Date: March 8, 2007
Location: Monroe County, FL

Ros-Lehtinen Will Introduce Legislation Next Week That Prevents The Castro Regime From Oil Drilling A Mere 45 Miles From Key West & Thus Damaging The Remaining Coral Reef in North America

The Castro Regime From Oil Drilling A Mere 45 Miles From Key West & Thus Damaging The Remaining Coral Reef in North America

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, will introduce legislation next week that prevents the Castro regime from oil drilling a mere 45 miles from Key West, Florida and thus damaging the largest coral reef in the continental United States. Ros-Lehtinen introduced similar legislation during the last Congress.

Said Ros-Lehtinen, "It is totally unacceptable that the Cuban regime be allowed to drill for oil just 45 miles from our shores. The consequences of a spill are disastrous as the only remaining coral reef in North America is within distance of the drill site.

My colleagues and I have been working tirelessly to prevent our own companies from ruining Florida's pristine beaches and delicate ecosystem by exploring and drilling for oil off our coast. To now have this murderous and totalitarian regime say it wants to drill just 45 miles from Key West is beyond the pale and totally unacceptable."
