The Small Business Tax Relief Act Of 2007

Date: Feb. 28, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

THE SMALL BUSINESS TAX RELIEF ACT OF 2007 -- (Extensions of Remarks - February 28, 2007)

* Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, today the Democratic leadership has brought to the House floor legislation that will effectively create permanent tax increases on many American taxpayers in order to create temporary tax relief for a few.

* Though this legislation does not mention a minimum wage increase, we all know this bill is intended to be paired with Senate legislation including a wage hike. While I am pleased that the Majority has finally listened to the Republicans and recognized the detrimental impact a minimum wage increase would have on small businesses, this legislation is nothing but an example of the Majority's plans to deceptively increase taxes on Americans.

* In the last Congress I voted for a balanced minimum wage bill that increased the wage rate from $5.15 to $7.25/hour over three years and included important tax and regulatory protections for small businesses and their workers, ensuring they are not over-burdened by high labor costs and can stay in business.

* However, I believe it is unfair to create permanent tax increases for the sake of temporary tax relief. This is a perfect example, and I predict many more are to come, of the Democrats using covert tax increase maneuvers to adhere to their misguided PAYGO rules.

* The Majority has forced this legislation to the House floor under the suspension of the rules, cutting off debate time and forbidding any amendments to the legislation.

* Mr. Speaker, I can not in good conscience support this bill because of the misleading, permanent tax increases it places on many Americans.
