Pelosi: Continuing Revelations at Walter Reed Show a Troubling Trend

Date: March 1, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Pelosi: Continuing Revelations at Walter Reed Show a Troubling Trend

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on the news reports on poor outpatient care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington:

"Our wounded military personnel and combat veterans deserve nothing less than the best care, but the continuing revelations at Walter Reed Army Medical Center show a troubling trend.

"The House will address some of the most pressing deficiencies at Walter Reed in the upcoming Supplemental Appropriations bill, but much more must be done to make the medical care system fully responsive to our wounded troops. House committees will respond as a matter of urgent priority and will conduct aggressive congressional oversight of military medical care.

"Of all of the debts owed to the men and women who serve in our military, and to their families, none is more important than to ensure that those wounded in battle are treated immediately, and for as long as is required, with all of the medical skill, compassion, and effectiveness that can be brought to bear. It is clear that improvements are necessary to make certain that our national obligation is met."
