Walberg Joins New Anti-Terrorism Caucus

Date: Feb. 5, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


U.S. Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) today announced he has joined the new Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. The caucus is a bipartisan effort to educate Members of Congress and the general public about the threat America faces from extremism and jihadist terrorists.

"I am delighted to be a part of this new caucus that will explore why terrorist attacks occur and how we can best protect the American people from terrorism in the future."

There are currently more than 70 members of this caucus, which is co-chaired by Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC), Bud Cramer (D-AL), Kay Granger (R-TX) and Ben Chandler (D-KY). It meets twice a month for meetings in which members receive briefings from terrorism experts. A few of the subjects that will be discussed in the next several months include how terrorists use the internet, terrorist financing methods and ideological differences between moderate Muslims and extremists.

