Walberg Statement on Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Proposal

Date: Feb. 7, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


U.S. Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) today issued the following statement regarding President Bush's proposed federal budget for fiscal year 2008.

"The men and women in south-central Michigan and Americans across our great country have spoken, and they want this Congress to pass a fiscally responsible budget that doesn't raise taxes, keeps the American economy growing and gives American workers and entrepreneurs the tools to compete in the global marketplace.

"The President's recent budget proposal is a first step in heeding the call of the American people to balance the books and tear up the Congressional credit card.

"The President has put forth a budget proposal that maintains necessary levels of funding for our military and includes the largest increase in Pell Grant funding in three decades, a proposal that would help more than five million low-income students afford higher education.

"Additionally, the President's proposal addresses the most important factor in balancing the federal budget, curbing runaway entitlement spending.

"As we progress in the budget debate, it is important to acknowledge that Congress has gotten away from keeping our fiscal house in order over the past few years, and simply maintaining the status quo in Washington, D.C. is unacceptable to the hard-working men and women of my district.

"Spending taxpayer dollars in a fiscally responsible manner is a top responsibility of this Congress, and I look forward to the bi-partisan discussion in the coming days and weeks as we work towards a balanced budget without increasing the tax burden of American families."

