Congressman Henry Cuellar Responds To President's State Of The Union Address


Congressman Henry Cuellar made the following statement in response to the President's State of the Union address.

"The President this evening spoke to the American people about his plans for moving our nation forward. While I respect him and his proposals, I believe that the American people have their own plan. They announced their plan last November, when they elected a new majority to lead Congress.

This new majority is already moving forward with the people's agenda. We started our first hundred hours with a broad bipartisan legislative agenda:

1. that establishes stronger ethics rules for Congress
2. that restores fiscal responsibility to federal spending
3. that implements the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission
4. that increases the minimum wage of working Americans
5. that expands stem cell research
6. that requires negotiations for lower prescription drug prices
7. that cuts student loan interest rates
8. and that invests in renewable energy

I am highly optimistic about the future of our great nation. I look forward to working with my Congressional Colleagues and the President to move the people's agenda forward. We will all work to bring our brave men and women home from Iraq. We will work to make health care accessible to all. We will work to strengthen our economy and spread prosperity to all Americans. We will work to build a stronger and safer American, where all American's can enjoy the fruits of their labor."
