Lobbying and Ethics Reform Legislation

Date: Jan. 10, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I would like to say to my good friend, the majority leader, I share his view that we ought to make progress on this bill. There are a number of amendments already pending. We will be working together during the course of the morning to get some votes scheduled. I share his view that we ought to finish this bill next week. So we will be going forward in a cooperative frame of mind.

This is an important piece of legislation. It has bipartisan support, as illustrated by the fact that the majority leader and myself are cosponsors of the substitute he offered yesterday. This is a piece of legislation that ought to be passed and ought to be passed soon in the Senate and will be done with a broad bipartisan basis of support.

So I look forward to working with my friend during the course of the day to get votes in the queue so we can move forward.

Mr. President, I yield the floor.


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I might add, I agree with everything the majority leader said. This substitute is essentially what passed the Senate last year 90 to 8. The Senate is ready to act or close to ready to finish this important piece of legislation. We were last year. It was bogged down in the legislative process in dealing with the other body. But we are going to pass this next week with an overwhelming bipartisan vote. And the majority leader and I will be working together to make that possible.

I yield the floor.

