Barton Statement on State of the Union Address

Date: Jan. 23, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Barton Statement on State of the Union Address

U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Ennis, made the following remarks following President Bush's State of the Union address:

"The President delivered a clear message to Congress and the American people, outlining his forward-looking plans for the nation, both at home and abroad. One of the primary issues he discussed was the future of energy production and consumption, something that impacts nearly every American. The need to decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil requires that we come up with viable alternatives to meet the growing demand for energy in America. During the address, the President unveiled his ‘Twenty in Ten' goal of reducing gasoline usage in the U.S. by twenty percent in the next ten years.

"One way to make this goal a reality is to make the cars we drive run on less fuel. I sponsored a bill last Congress that, like the President's plan, encouraged an improvement in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, and I continue to believe doing so is an important step toward energy independence.

"The President also proposed doubling the capacity of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to 1.5 billion barrels by 2027, a goal that I support. The SPR is designed to provide the nation with oil in a time of emergency or drastic supply interruption, and the President's plan helps ensure we are equipped with enough energy to last until normal production is restored.

"Equally as important as meeting America's energy needs is ensuring all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care. The President announced a plan that would allow individual Americans to utilize tax deductions for health coverage similar to those available to employers. This will help drive down the cost of health care, making it more accessible to the self-employed and uninsured.

"As a member of Congress from a border state, it was good to hear the President speak about the need for immigration reform. One of the first steps toward effective reform lies in securing our borders, and with the President's help, we have already begun to see improvements in this area. We must also help employers be accountable for the workers they hire by ensuring a system for verification is in place. I support the creation of a tamper-proof identification card for legal employees, which would give employers a useful tool for ensuring the workers they hire are obeying the law. I agree with the President that it's time we enact effective immigration reform, and will continue to work with my colleagues to on this issue.

"Finally, the President issued his request for an increase in the size of the Army and Marine Corps. I support this increase, which will further the capability to provide for our national security. As we continue to fight the Global War on Terror, a strong military will help position us for victory. Failure is not an option, and I am supportive of the President's goals to provide for the safety and security of our nation."
