Bean Appointed to NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Date: Jan. 25, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Bean Appointed to NATO Parliamentary Assembly

U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean (IL-08) has been appointed by the Speaker of the House to serve as a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), an inter-parliamentary organization of legislators representing NATO member and associate countries. Bean is one of only twelve members from Congress selected to represent our country on this committee.

As a congressional member of the NATO PA, Bean will work with representatives from other NATO countries to address issues of common interest and concern, such as strengthening global partnerships, improving trade relations, reducing drug trafficking, and working with our allies to stop terrorism. Bean attended one conference of the Assembly already, when the international delegates met in Washington, DC this week. Bean will also represent the House of Representatives at the two full Assembly sessions later in the year, the next of which will be at NATO headquarters in Brussels February 19.

"I am honored to receive an appointment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Parliamentary Assembly, and look forward to working with the United States parliamentary organization to maintain and strengthen our relationships with our NATO allies," said Bean.

Since 1955, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (formerly known as the North Atlantic Assembly) has served as a forum for legislators representing countries in North America and Western Europe to meet to discuss mutual issues of importance. The NATO PA constitutes an important link between legislators of member countries, who truly are responsible for framing the legislation that is vital to pursuing the goals of NATO member countries.

Delegates to the NATO PA are nominated by their respective governments according to their national procedures, on the basis of party representation in the parliaments; therefore, the Assembly represents a broad spectrum of political opinion.
