Rep. Pitts Opposes Taxpayer Funding For Human Embryo-Destroying Research

Date: Jan. 11, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Pitts opposes taxpayer funding for human embryo-destroying research

Congressman Joe Pitts (R, PA-16) today voted against H.R. 3, legislation mandating the use of federal tax dollars to destroy human embryos in order to harvest their stem cells for research. The bill passed in the House, but is expected to be vetoed if it reaches President Bush's desk.

"I'm a strong supporter of stem cell research, with just one exception: I cannot support any form of research that requires the destruction of human embryos. Unfortunately, this bill promotes such research methods," Congressman Pitts said. "Thankfully, there are ethical alternatives using non-controversial adult stem cells that are showing more promise in treating a host of diseases and conditions. I have supported these ethical alternatives in the past and will continue to do so in the future."


H.R. 3 is not a bill to legalize human embryo-destroying stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research is already legal in the U.S. and is being conducted at research facilities across the country. This bill seeks to expand taxpayer funding of embryo-destroying research, a practice millions of taxpayers find morally objectionable.

Despite all the talk of its great potential, embryonic stem cell research has yet to produce a single cure in humans. In contrast, research using stem cells found without destroying human embryos has proven successful in treating 72 different diseases and conditions. These non-controversial adult stem cells can be found in amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, fat tissue, spleen tissue, nasal cavity tissue, bone marrow, and others.
