Encourage Market Development For Biofuels

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 8, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

ENCOURAGE MARKET DEVELOPMENT FOR BIOFUELS -- (House of Representatives - February 08, 2007)

Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, the Republican Party of this country is dedicated to coming to Washington, DC, and serving the people who believe that America's greatest days lie in our future. But there is also incumbent within that promise the opportunity to present new and better ideas that will help this country to deal with the things that lay ahead of us.

Yesterday, in the Rules Committee, Congressman Michael Burgess from Texas offered an amendment that would have doubled the tax credit for making biodiesel from recycled restaurant grease from 50 cents a gallon to $1 a gallon. This comes as a result of Mr. Burgess' working firsthand with people within his district who are trying to solve problems of not only air pollution, but also to take things that might normally be dumped into a recycle bin that ends up going somewhere to sit in a landfill.

Mr. Speaker, I think that Congressman Burgess deserves the respect of this House for new and better ideas that will help make sure that America is facing the problems that lie ahead of us and to make sure that we have answers for it.

I congratulate Congressman Burgess for bringing these ideas forward, and I hope we will continue to have other Members of this body do the same.
