Shuster Applauds Flight Crew of US Airways Flight 300 in Imam Case Crew Put Safety Above Political Correctness in Removing Disruptive Imams

Shuster Applauds Flight Crew of US Airways Flight 300 in Imam Case Crew Put Safety Above Political Correctness in Removing Disruptive Imams

Congressman Bill Shuster today sent a letter to the Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Transportation Security Administration urging them look at all of the facts that lead to the removal of six passengers from US Airways Flight 300 last month before rendering a decision.

"The agencies involved in this investigation need to take a close look at the facts instead making a snap-judgment in favor of political correctness. The last thing we need is a decision that creates an environment where people in charge of our security second guess their decisions because they are afraid of offending someone," Shuster added.

Last month, six imams were removed from US Airways Flight 300 for what passengers described as threatening behavior. According to news reports, passengers on the flight noticed the imams making anti-American remarks before boarding the plane. Once on board, passengers reported that these men, who were traveling together, dispersed to seats throughout the plane and moved throughout the cabin to confer with one another. Additionally, they asked the flight crew for seatbelt extenders, which they then rolled up and kept under their seats for no apparent reason.

"In a time of heightened vigilance against terrorism, especially where threats against our nation's airlines are concerned, taking action against perceived threats should be congratulated, not penalized," Shuster said.

"Without question, this type of behavior is suspicious and closely resembles reports of the events surrounding the 9/11 hijackings," Shuster said. "The passengers aboard Flight 300 and the flight crew that was entrusted with their security acted in a rational way."

"I want to make sure that the agencies tasked with aviation security take these important reports into consideration as they investigate this incident."
