Enzi's Initial Repsonse to Iraq Study Group Report

Date: Dec. 6, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Enzi's Initial Repsonse to Iraq Study Group Report

The Iraq Study Group headed by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Representative Lee Hamilton, released its report today which gives advice on U.S. Iraq strategy. U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., is in the process of examining the report, but made a few preliminary comments.

"Alan Simpson, my predecessor from Wyoming, who has been a great mentor, was a member of the team that put this together. I will be studying this report. I appreciate any ideas, particularly ones from such experienced people. Outgoing Defense Secretary Rumsfeld also put forward some ideas on changes we could make and these also should be part of the mix along with assessments from the commanders in the field and diplomatic advisers.

"United States military policy towards Iraq is in a period of transition. These ideas may help speed the transition. We must pursue the best strategy that will allow our armed services personnel to be able to stand down as the new Iraqi government and its security forces stand up. Ultimately, the future stability, and security of Iraq will be up to the Iraqi people.

"Troop redeployment decisions should ultimately be made by the combat commanders who are on the ground in Iraq. I do not favor a set redeployment date. I think we all want our troops out as soon as possible. It is prudent to constantly look for better strategies that will help us accomplish Iraqi self-government faster and more efficiently. That's the aim of this report. I fully support our armed forces personnel in their current military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The report can be accessed on the web at http://www.usip.org/ .

