Line-Item Veto

Location: Dornan website

Controlling federal spending is the best means to controlling the federal deficit. Government spending remains out of control and I support institutional reforms to curb Congress' spending habits. That's why I have consistently supported the line-item veto as a means of alleviating Congress' penchant for spending.

A line-item veto would allow the president to veto portions of a bill without vetoing the entire legislation. Such a veto would allow the president to veto unnecessary spending, forcing each expenditure to endure public scrutiny and stand on its own merit. Line-item veto power for a president would certainly result in less pork-barrel spending and lower government spending overall.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act, which was approved by the House of Representatives as part of the "Contract with America," will give the president a permanent line-item veto. The bill calls for an up-or-down vote on the president's package of rescissions -- the line-item cuts -- by Congress. The cuts would become effective unless Congress rejects them. If Congress rejects the package, the president can then veto the rejection itself, which would then require a two-thirds vote by Congress to overturn the line-item cuts.
