Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2006

Date: Dec. 6, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

UNBORN CHILD PAIN AWARENESS ACT OF 2006 -- (House of Representatives - December 06, 2006)


Mr. FORTENBERRY. Mr. Speaker, thank you for this opportunity to champion the principle of informed consent, which should concern each and every one of us here today. I also want to thank Mr. Smith yet again for his courageous and tireless dedication to the most vulnerable persons among us, the unborn. His leadership on human rights is a constant inspiration.

For over 30 years, our society has been torn apart by the issue of abortion. There may be very few of us who have not been affected by the emotional and physical pain of abortion, as experienced by millions of women, children, and families throughout the country.

Modern therapeutic and diagnostic technologies make it increasingly more difficult to deny the essential humanness of unborn children. These technologies and sound, scientific research have enabled us to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that unborn children are able to experience excruciating pain from 20 weeks of gestation.

It is my hope that one day we will all choose to open our hearts and minds to the unborn and face the reality of abortion for what it is. Until that day, let us at the very least work to ensure that women are given the medical facts about fetal pain. Women deserve this respect.


