Press Release - Rep. Israel Hosts Financial Literacy Event for Seniors

Date: Oct. 20, 2006
Location: Huntington, NY

Rep. Israel Hosts Financial Literacy Event for Seniors
Israel, Financial Experts and Identity Theft Detective Advise Seniors on Financial Planning and Scam Protection

10/20/2006 Huntington, NY— On Friday, House Financial Services Committee member Rep. Steve Israel (D-Huntington), financial advisors and an identity theft expert joined seniors for a seminar on financial planning and scam protection. Seniors shared their financial challenges and received expert advice on identity theft, senior scams, financial literacy and discussed federal issues related to retirement planning.

"Many seniors have saved their entire lives for retirement but still struggle to make end's meet due to the soaring cost of health care and prescription drugs, shrinking pensions and high cost of living," said Israel. "I hope today's session has encouraged more seniors to take proactive steps to ensure healthy financial futures."

