Liberal Flip-flop Scuttles Property Rights Bill

Date: Sept. 26, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Liberal

Liberal Flip-flop Scuttles Property Rights Bill

Today Congressman Richard Pombo (R-Tracy), co-author of H.R. 4772, the Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2006 issued the following statement after the legislation failed to garner the support of liberal obstructionists, and fell short of the two-thirds needed for passage.

"Property rights are the heart of individual freedom and the foundation for all other civil rights guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution," said Congressman Pombo "It is unfortunate that so many have forgotten the outrageous Kelo v. City of New London decision. It is my hope this legislation will be considered again under regular order so the majority of us who support the rights of Americans may prevail."

H.R. 4772 would give private property owners the ability to litigate cases in federal courts when local and state regulations deprive owner's use of their land. Several Supreme Court cases have eroded this Constitutional right - a right enjoyed by other plaintiffs claiming Constitutional violations. The clear need for strengthened individual property rights brought H.R. 4772 to the House floor today.

An overwhelming majority of Members voted in favor of the Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005; legislation crafted in response to a continued weakening of individual property rights in America. Today's opposition to commonsense legislation is testament to the willowy response many liberals mistake for leadership.

Last year Congressman Pombo invited a local small business owner from Stockton , California , to testify at a hearing convened to discuss H.R. 3405, Strengthening the Ownership of Private Property Act (STOPP). Owner of Arroyo's Café, Mario Arroyo testified to the eminent domain abuse that eventually caused him to lose the family-owned restaurant.
