Pombo: Border Security Paramount

Date: Sept. 14, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Pombo: Border Security Paramount

Congressman Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) issued the following statement after voting for the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (HR 6061), legislation that directs the Department of Homeland Security to take necessary steps in protecting America 's borders:

Securing America 's borders is a critical step in stemming the tide of illegal immigration and a lynchpin to our defense against terrorists. Our local communities need to know that we are doing everything possible to ensure their security, and this bill continues to make the safety of our families our first priority. We must have control of our borders; a vote against border security is akin to handing our front door keys to the terrorists.

H.R. 6061 address es border security by authorizing the use of new surveillance technologies and physical barriers to stem the tide of illegal immigrants and potential terrorists that cross unimpeded into America . It sets a timeline for constructing fencing and barriers along the southwestern border preventing the unlawful entry of terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.

Congressman Richard W. Pombo represents California's Eleventh Congressional District. Congressman Pombo is Chairman of the House Resources Committee and is Vice Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee.

