Press Release - Nelson: Measurable Goals for Iraq

Date: Oct. 24, 2006


Administration Strategy Mirrors Nebraska's Senator's Position

The administration's announcement of a new strategy to work with Iraqi officials to establish a broad set of stabilizing political, economic and military benchmarks in Iraq is a welcome and familiar approach to Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson.

Senator Nelson has championed establishing measurable goals in Iraq for many months. Nelson does not support arbitrary dates for troop withdrawal nor does he support the "stay the course" approach. In August, Senator Nelson encouraged Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to determine benchmarks for Iraqi troops to be able to govern and secure themselves and reduce reliance on U.S. forces.

"I am pleased the administration and Iraqi officials have agreed to develop measurable goals to track our progress on key objectives in Iraq," said Nelson. "As we measure our progress we can estimate what it will take to complete the mission and better communicate with the American people what they can expect in Iraq."

Goals of the newly announced plan include disbanding Shiite militias, persuading Sunni insurgents to disarm, and settling issues dividing the country such as the use of oil revenues.

This is not the first instance of the administration mirroring Nelson's proposals on Iraq policy. In November 2005, President Bush borrowed Ben Nelson's position on arbitrary deadlines, calling them "irresponsible and deadly."

A bipartisan commission led by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Congressman Lee Hamilton is expected to release its assessment of the situation in Iraq after the November elections. "When the Iraq Study Group releases its findings and advice to Congress, it needs to include benchmarks if it is to be taken seriously," said Nelson. "We need to demonstrate progress in Iraq and to do so we must identify what we are working toward. Only then can we make and measure our accomplishments."
