Raleigh News & Observer - Jones Makes Headway On Military Prayers

Date: Oct. 11, 2006

Barbara Barrett, Rob Christensen and Matthew Eisley, Staff Writers

Raleigh News & Observer October 11, 2006 - U.S. Rep. Walter Jones saw some measure of success in his quest to allow military chaplains to invoke the name of Jesus Christ in public prayers -- but not as much as he'd like.

Jones, a Farmville Republican, has long pushed the military to loosen rules on chaplains' prayers. Jones says he has received complaints from chaplains who say commanders have restricted their prayers in the field.

Jones had tried to insert language into the 2007 defense authorization act requiring all military services to allow chaplains to pray according to their faith. The language remained in the House version.

But the bill, which sets the nation's defense priorities, hit a snag when it reached the Senate. U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and others were concerned about the language, and the bill was held up for days.

Instead, the Senate agreed to rescind new rules in the Navy and Air Force that had recently restricted chaplains' prayers in public venues.

The old rules allowed for more religious freedom, Jones said.

Jones said the final resolution is "a mark of progress," but he still wants to see specific guidelines allowing chaplains to pray as they see fit.

"While this directive is a step in the right direction, reports that is has become increasingly difficult -- in all branches of the military -- for chaplains to pray according to their faith demonstrate that more must be done to guarantee the rights of military chaplains throughout the Armed Forces," Jones said in a statement.

