Letter to The Honorable James H. Douglas

Date: Sept. 27, 2006

September 27, 2006

The Honorable James H. Douglas
State of Vermont
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609

Dear Governor Douglas:

We are writing to confirm the compromise that we have all agreed upon in order to secure final passage of S.2463, the New England Wilderness Act of 2006, which unanimously passed the Senate on September 19, 2006.

To address the actionable concerns you expressed in your September 22, 2006 letter to Chairman Pombo, the Delegation will reiterate our previous offer and amend our legislation to remove the approximately 6,000 acres in the proposed Glastenbury Wilderness Area which S. 2463 added to the wilderness study area designated by the Forest Service management plan. Once complete, the Delegation will expect your assistance, should the House and Senate leadership ask you to confirm your support of the legislation, as amended.

It was our strong preference to enact S.2463, as passed with the support of the entire United States Senate, and the vast majority of Vermonters. But, we are glad to have reached an agreement that promises to preserve these unique and carefully selected wild lands for our children and grandchildren. We hope that together with you we can salvage this opportunity at this very late hour in the legislative process.



Patrick Leahy
United States Senator

James Jeffords
United States Senator

Bernie Sanders
Member of Congress

