Press Release - Braley and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer Campaign for Fiscal Responsibility

Date: Aug. 24, 2006
Location: Waterloo, IA

Press Release - Braley and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer Campaign for Fiscal Responsibility

August 24, 2006

Waterloo, Iowa - Today First District Democratic Congressional candidate Bruce Braley joined House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) to discuss fiscal responsibility and relief for the middle class in Davenport.

"The rubber-stamp Republican Congress has bankrupted our country by running up huge deficits for our children and grandchildren to pay for," Braley said. "It's time for Congress to get the federal deficit under control by ending government giveaways to oil companies, investigating why $9 billion of government cash went missing in Iraq, and limiting outrageous pork barrel spending.

"Instead of giving huge tax breaks to big corporations and the wealthiest Americans, we should instead focus on extending relief to the middle class and helping kids afford college. If I'm elected, I'll stand up for working Iowa families in Washington."

Three Steps to Get the Deficit Under Control:

Investigate Fraud and Abuse in Iraq. Bruce will stand up to make Congress use its investigative powers to examine how $9 billion in US government cash went missing in Iraq while our troops went without the body armor they need to do their jobs safely.

Stop Incentives and Giveaways to Big Oil Companies. Republicans in Congress have waived $7 billion dollars in royalty payments in the next five years alone to oil companies. It is time to end these reckless giveaways and reclaim the royalty payments that American taxpayers are entitled to.

Limit Outrageous Pork Barrel Spending. It's time for real reform of Congressional earmarks; the American people cannot afford spending hundreds of millions of dollars for a "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska. Bruce supports eliminating secret negotiations on earmarks and making earmark sponsors' names public.
