Press Release - Braley Supports Stem Cell Research Bill; Where Does Mike Whalen Stand?

Date: July 20, 2006
Location: Waterloo, IA

Press Release - Braley Supports Stem Cell Research Bill; Where Does Mike Whalen Stand?

Waterloo, Iowa - Today Iowa First District Democratic candidate Bruce Braley voiced his support of a bill passed this week by the Senate that would authorize federal funding for more types of stem cell research. President Bush used the first veto of his presidency to reject the bill yesterday.

"I support increasing funding for stem cell research, and if I were in Congress, I would have voted for the life-saving stem cell research bill," Braley said. "Stem cell research offers hope for millions of people suffering from the most crippling diseases. Many scientists believe that the cures to diseases like cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease lie in stem cell research. I am disappointed that President Bush chose to veto this critical measure.

"It is important that the voters of the First District know where Mike Whalen stands on this important issue. Does Mr. Whalen support increasing federal funding for stem cell research?"

Several notable Representatives and Senators voted for the bipartisan stem cell research bill, including Iowa Representative Jim Leach and Republican Senators Bill Frist, Lamar Alexander, and John McCain. McCain recently appeared at a fundraiser with Whalen.
