Transcript of Democratic Radio Address Delivered by Bruce Braley

Transcript of Democratic Radio Address Delivered by Bruce Braley

"We Need New Priorities to Save Social Security" July 8, 2006

Good morning, this is Bruce Braley of Iowa.

Social Security is a promise to America's senior citizens that has allowed millions of older Americans to be appropriately rewarded for their lifetime of hard work. Today, Social Security as we know it is under attack.

Just last year the Bush administration and the Republican Congress tried to privatize Social Security. Their plan puts Social Security at the mercy of the stock market and puts guaranteed monthly benefits in jeopardy.

Democrats in Congress stood firm and the GOP's dangerous plan was temporarily set aside.

Recently, several top officials in the Bush administration tipped their hand about future plans. George Bush, Karl Rove and key members of the Republican Congress have all said that Social Security privatization is on top of their agenda for 2007.

This November, voters face a clear choice. If you want to privatize Social Security, vote Republican. If you want to protect Social Security, vote Democratic.

Here in Iowa, we have one of the highest percentages of seniors in the nation and in my congressional district there are nearly 85,000 people over 65. If the Republican plan is allowed to pass, future generations both here and across the country, will be saddled with decades of debt and with no guaranteed retirement security.

My opponent is an outspoken supporter of President Bush's dangerous plan to privatize Social Security. He has even suggested raising Social Security payroll taxes. If elected, my opponent, along with the Republican Congress will put benefits at risk and put our fiscal house in jeopardy.

Democrats are fighting for a new direction for Social Security because the Republican plan to privatize calls for trillions more in debt and terminates the guaranteed benefit for retiring seniors.

In addition to trying to privatize Social Security, the Republican Congress is plundering the Social Security trust fund while giving billions away to special interests like big oil. They are spending the money that seniors rely on while making no effort to balance the budget or protect the limited funds we have for retirement security.

A look at the Republican record only makes seniors more anxious.

Keep in mind, this is the same team that set out to reform Medicare, but instead let lobbyists create a confusing, expensive program that was little more than a payoff to the big pharmaceutical and insurance companies. The Republican program ties Medicare's hands by forbidding the most basic way to save seniors money on their prescription drug costs - by negotiating for lower drug prices.

This is the same team that set out to create landmark energy legislation but refused to lower gas prices or provide solutions for our energy future. They did not forget, however, to reward their special interest friends and gave them billions in taxpayer dollars.

This is the same team that hasn't raised the minimum wage in nine years. When adjusted for inflation, workers today are making less than they have in 50 years.

I have been fighting for Iowa's working families for more than two decades and I am running for Congress in part because I have seen seniors and their families struggle year after year.

It's time for a new direction in Washington because after six years of misplaced priorities, George Bush and his Rubber Stamp Republican Congress cannot be trusted to protect something as vital as Social Security.

When I get to Congress, I will join Democrats in fighting to keep our promise to seniors in Iowa and across this country when it comes to retirement security.

Republicans want to privatize Social Security, their special interest friends want to privatize Social Security, and the only way to stop them is to elect a Democratic majority in November.

This is Bruce Braley of Iowa, thanks for listening.
