Press Release - Shuster Named Conferee on Port Security Legislation

Date: Sept. 28, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Shuster Named Conferee on Port Security Legislation
Plays Key Role Negotiating House-Senate Compromise

Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA) was named as a conferee on important legislation designed to strengthen the security of our ports and to protect the safety of Americans.

The SAFE Port Act (H.R. 4954) passed the House in May and cleared the Senate earlier this month. Shuster is playing a key role in negotiating the final version of the legislation so it can be signed into law by the President.

"Our nation's ports are important gateways for transportation and commerce. Here in Pennsylvania, the Port of Philadelphia is one of the busiest in the nation and is vital to our economy state-wide. " Shuster said. "Unfortunately, our ports provide attractive targets for terrorists. This port security legislation addresses our vulnerabilities by providing greater protection for our critical infrastructure."

Specifically, Shuster is focusing on provisions in the bill that relate to his work on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as a Subcommittee Chairman.

The SAFE Port Act focuses on developing a strategy for cargo and maritime security and authorizes a dedicated, multi-year funding stream for port security grants. The legislation also modernizes the emergency alert system, bringing it into the 21st century so individuals can receive alerts using wireless devices such as blackberries and mobile phones.
