Time For A Change

Date: Sept. 28, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

TIME FOR A CHANGE -- (House of Representatives - September 28, 2006)

(Mr. ENGEL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, this Republican Congress has failed the American people. Nobody can deny that this is the most do-nothing Congress in our history. On every front, from Iraq to Social Security, Republicans have sided with the lobbyists' special interest agenda instead of working for the American people. Time and time again, they have said ``no'' to the needs and concerns of the American people.

``No'' to increasing the minimum wage.

``No'' to balancing the budget.

``No'' to fully implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.

``No'' to filling the donut hole for millions of American seniors struggling with their drugs.

``No'' to tough penalties on big oil companies that price gouge.

``No'' to finding a new strategy for Iraq.

Republican inaction on issues of critical concern to the American people has led to rising drug costs, higher energy prices than a year ago, and billions of taxpayer money being wasted in Iraq on no-bid contracts for administration cronies like Halliburton.

The American people are fed up with a Congress that refuses to do its job. It's time for a change.

