Evans Announces Arsenal in Line for New Work; Major New Order for Production of M119 Howitzers

Date: Sept. 20, 2006


Procurement Expected to Mean 100-200 Additional Jobs; Will Put Arsenal in Strong Position to Combat BRAC

Hailing it as an important step in strengthening the Arsenal for years to come, Cong. Lane Evans (D-IL) today announced that the U.S. Army has approved a procurement of a large number of M119A2 howitzers that are expected to add 100-200 jobs on the Island.

The Arsenal last built the guns in 1996. Although the Army has not decided on the exact number to be built, it is understood that it will be about 275, with production likely to last well into Fiscal Year 2010. Tubes for the guns will be case at Waterviliet Arsenal in New York.

It is expected that Arsenal will receive official notification to start production by next summer. The Arsenal is the only manufacturing facility capable of producing the weapon. It will reopen a manufacturing line that last built a M119 in December of 1996. IT has continued to make spare parts for the weapon since then.

Evans along with members of the Quad-City congressional delegation and New York legislators sent a letter last week to Acting Army Secretary Les Brownlee supporting the decision.

"This is a major step forward for the Arsenal and its workers," Evans said. "It means new, good-paying jobs for the community. And it puts the Arsenal in a strong position to combat BRAC. It is extremely difficult to recommend a closure of a facility when it is in the middle of fulfilling a major order."

The order for the M119s was made by the General Officers Steering Group, a decision-making body within the Army that decides on procurement. The order will meet the artillery needs of the Army's new brigade structure and respond to an overall shortage of artillery pieces in the Army. Evans has been a strong supporter of the new structure.

Originally, the Army had planned to refurbish M102 howitzers. However, those weapons do not fire the full range of NATO artillery ammunition and a refurbishment would extend their life for only a few years.

Funding for the project will likely come from this year's supplemental funding bill that was intended for refurbishment of the M102s. A Program Objective Memorandum (POM), an internal Army document that outlines future procurement, has already included a line for new M119s.

"The Arsenal has demonstrated its crucial role in our national defense in its work in providing armored doors for Humvees used in Iraq," Evans said. "The Arsenal is a cornerstone of our national defense and a vital part of our local economy and this new order will only strengthen its role."

"We have taken important steps over the past years and months to strengthen the Arsenal. Money for the Industrial Mobilization Capacity program has helped to lower overhead rates. That is a key factor in determining competitiveness. The Arsenal Support Program Initiatives, which allows the Arsenal to rent out unutilized space, also strengthens its hand."

"Just recently, we were able to gain $1 million in the House and Senate defense bills for new equipment in the manufacturing center."

"The Arsenal is ready to lead and ready to produce today. And this is another step that will create major new opportunities for today and the future."

