Press Releases - Mollohan Joins Sen. Byrd to Dedicate National Guard Center While Wakim Distorts Record

Date: Aug. 18, 2006

Mollohan Joins Sen. Byrd to Dedicate National Guard Center While Wakim Distorts Record
Mollohan Joins Sen. Byrd to Dedicate National Guard Center While Wakim Issues Another Distortion of the Record.

Alan Mollohan for Congress Committee

While challenger Chris Wakim was issuing another distorted view of Congressman Alan Mollohan's support of homeland security issues, the Congressman stood beside U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd to help dedicate a new $9.7 million Williamstown Readiness Center for the National Guard.

In another attempt to bend reality, Wakim issued a press release Friday that accused Mollohan of not supporting national security issues in Congress as advanced by the right wing leadership that brought us the Dubai Ports deal and numerous defeats of meaningful national defense reforms.

Senator Byrd and Congressman Mollohan were joined Friday by West Virginia Adjutant General Allen Tackett and Wood County members of the National Guard to dedicate the new readiness center located at the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport.

"Throughout his career, Senator Byrd has made it his priority to see that our men and women in uniform get the training and equipment they need to carry out their dangerous duties. This investment in the Williamstown Readiness Center is the latest example and it is an excellent one," said Congressman Mollohan.

"We are proud of the outstanding service of our National Guard members and grateful to Senator Byrd for looking out for their needs," Mollohan added.

Wakim, who has distorted his own service and education resume according to national newspapers, issued a release Friday in an attempt to distort Mollohan's record on anti-terror, national defense and homeland security.

