Congressman Doyle Calls for "A New Direction for America"

Date: Aug. 7, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Doyle Calls for "A New Direction for America"

Washington, DC - August 7, 2006 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) called today for Congress to change course and move the nation in a dramatic new direction.

"For the last ten years, Congress has put special interests ahead of the public interest," Congressman Doyle said today. "As a result, the American people have suffered."

"Energy prices, health care costs, and college expenses have skyrocketed over the last five years, for example, while median family income has actually declined," Congressman Doyle observed. "Meanwhile, we're much less secure from terrorism and rogue states than we should be.

"Clearly the policies pursued by the President and his partisan supporters in Congress aren't helping most Americans," Congressman Doyle said. "It's way past time for Congress to put the common good of all Americans first."

"Democrats in Congress have developed an agenda to do just that," Congressman Doyle said. "We call it ‘A New Direction for America.' We believe it addresses the real challenges facing our nation - the problems most Americans care about."

