Issue Position: Foreign Policy

Issue Position


Foreign Policy

I believe that the invasion of Iraq should be our last pre-emptive unilateral occupation. Although we have seen the toppling of a ruthless dictator and the emergence of democracy in the Middle East, we cannot continue to say, in our approach to foreign policy, the ends justified the means. It is my hope that as a US Senator I will never have to act on whether the United States should have to go to war, but if I have to, I will do so, remembering that the decision I make will impact the lives and security of this nation. The US Senate is the body that ratifies treaties with other nations. If given that responsibility, I will, with true due diligence, vote on accords that serve the best interest for our nation and global peace. I believe that the United Nations can continue to serve as a vital organization to work toward resolving conflicts in the world; therefore, I will support legislation to fully fund our financial obligation to the U.N. annually. Closer to home, I believe in a strong national defense, so I will oppose any base closings in Mississippi or any other state. I believe with our increased ability to deploy troops and weapons, we should consider closing overseas military operations bases instead and create new multilateral defense treaties that would allow American troops to be stationed at foreign bases to maintain a presence at a streamlined cost to the Department of Defense.
