U.S. Military

U.S. Military

No sacrifice for our country and our community is greater than that of the young men and women who join our armed forces and risk their lives for our country. Tragically, most of the politicians in Washington are taking that sacrifice for granted.

It was wrong to send our troops into Iraq with faulty information.

It was wrong to start a war with expectations driven by political agendas rather than military analysis.

It was wrong to send our soldiers into battle without the necessary body armor and equipment.

It is wrong to remain mired in what Iraqi government officials are calling a civil war without any logical plan for resolution.

It is wrong for Congress to continue to ignore their responsibility of asking and probing the White House for explanations and fail to join in the search for a solution to this debacle.

It is wrong and tragic that the same politicians who unquestioningly send our children to war neglect them when they come home. The incumbent in this race proudly cites his unwavering support for the war in Iraq yet has a 0% voting record on legislation that supports Disabled American Veterans and their families.*

One of my best friends is a military doctor. We talk about the vital importance of supporting our soldiers when they return from war and we talk about the shameful reality of a Congress that waves the flags as it starts a war and turns its attention somewhere else when the soldiers return.

I've spoken with veterans who understand that the solutions to our nation's security concerns are not easy. They simply want a representative who will ask questions, listen to the voices of experience and put the concerns of constituents above partisan politics.

I understand the pulls of patriotism when I see a sticker that says "Support Our Troops" but I am ashamed of politicians who use those words as hollow rhetoric.

As your congressman, I will support our soldiers before we put them in harm's way, while they are on active duty and when they come home.

* Project Vote Smart is a multi-partisan organization that reviews and ranks the votes of all members of Congress. Results may be found at http://www.vote-smart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?sig_id=004044M
Note: Disabled American Veterans was formed in 1920 and chartered by Congress in 1932. The million-member DAV is the official voice of America's service-connected disabled veterans. The organization represents all of America's 2.1 million disabled veterans, their families and survivors.

