Thank God For George Bush And Don Ramsfeld

Date: Sept. 6, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

THANK GOD FOR GEORGE BUSH AND DON RUMSFELD -- (House of Representatives - September 06, 2006)

(Mr. GOHMERT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, we have heard recently from our friends across the aisle that supposedly George Bush and Don Rumsfeld are responsible for the terrorist attacks that have been going on. If you believe George Bush and Don Rumsfeld are responsible for the terrorist attacks that are occurring, then you have to absolutely believe that Bill Clinton caused 9/11. There is no other choice, because we know unequivocally that the planning for 9/11 occurred during the 1990s when Bill Clinton was President. Though Bill Clinton may have been guilty of many things, he was not guilty of bringing about this kind of horror. Yet, they plotted and planned while he was President.

If you look at the areas and causes for which Bill Clinton committed troops, it was generally to help Muslims. He was the most friendly President to Palestinians in history. He did nothing to deserve 9/11 being plotted during his presidency. Yet it was.

So, the current President understands that we are in a war for our survival and we cannot walk away from it. The terrorists want to take us back to the Dark Ages. This is a fight we cannot walk away from unless we are prepared to go to the Dark Ages.

Thank God for George Bush and Don Rumsfeld. They understand that since our first attack in 1979, we are in a war for survival.
